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module Main where

We can replace the repeated calls to addline with a single operation, by using a fold. One can fold from either the left or the right, combining an initial value of type a with a list of values of type b, to produce a result of type a. The function foldl folds from the left; foldr folds from the right.

foldl  (a  b  a)  a  [b]  a
foldr  (b  a  a)  a  [b]  a

We are combining from the left, so we use foldl.

hello  String
hello = foldl addline [] [first, second, third]
   addline s t = s ++ t ++ "\n"
   first = "hello"
   second = "there"
   third = "world"

main  IO ()
main = putStr hello
